The miracle picnic......

    It's a story about very special picnic. Can you guess what story it could be?.

Yes you are right! It's the story of 5 loaves and 2 fish.

Jesus talked to people everywhere He went. People in the towns and villages came to listen to Him. He told them amazing stories. He told people all about God in His stories. He told people that they should love God and God loves them. He taught them how to pray.

One day Jesus sailed across the lake with His disciples. He and His disciples went to a quiet place on the shore. They climbed a hill and sat down to have a rest. But soon lots of people came to join them. They had heard Jesus was there. They came from towns and villages. There was a huge crowd.  

"Tell them all to go home" said a disciple to Jesus. But Jesus felt very sorry for them. He talked to them, answered all their questions and made the sick well again.

"Oh! now send them away it's getting late and the people are hungry" said a disciple.

 "We must feed them" said Jesus.

 "Believe me even a huge amount of money would not be enough to buy food for all these people" said Philip one of Jesus' disciple.

"I have brought a picnic lunch" said a small boy.

 "This boy has five little bread loaves and two small fish but it is not much to feed this big crowd " said  Andrew to Jesus.

Well Jesus held up the loaves and the fish. He said a prayer of thanks to God.

"Give it to the people" said Jesus to His disciples. So the disciples made the people to sit on the grass. The more food the disciples gave out, the more food there's seem to be.

That is a miracle! Now everyone had enough to eat. The disciples were surprised. 5000 people ate bread and fish until they were full. How could that be?

"Collect all the leftover food" said Jesus. The disciples did and took 12 baskets of food.

Do you know what is special? Jesus had 12 disciples so there's a basket of food for each one of them.

Even they didn't get missed out. How amazing it is that Jesus can bless tiny amount of food, go all the way to feed 5000 people!

After the story, we learnt a song: 

"Jesus took the five little loaves"


Jesus took the five little loaves (snap, snap, snap)

Then Jesus took the two little fish (snap, snap, snap)

 Ch:    Then looking up to heaven

          He gave thanks, He gave thanks.

          Looking up to heaven....... He gave thanks

 Five thousand were fed with five little loaves (snap, snap, snap)

Five thousand were fed with two little fish (snap, snap, snap)

Then we moved on to craft;

Materials Required:

1. Paper bag

2. White paper to draw fish and bread

3. Colors

4. Scissors

Our kids enjoyed making the baskets, bread loaves and fishes.

You can download the worksheet for the story "miracle picnic" here.

The worksheet has a song, memory verse and a basket to color.

Memory Verse:

All things are possible with God. 
Luke 1:37. 

Our tiny tots reciting Bible memory verse Luke 1:37.


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