Feed Your Puppy

    “The best way to make children good is to make them happy.” – Oscar Wilde

There is nothing that kids love more than taking things out and be fascinated by the smallest of surprises that they find within a box! So, we've come up with a way to surprise your kids along with developing their cognitive process! This new fun activity  "Feed your puppy", will require your little ones to take paper bones of random colors out of a box and feed their adorable little handmade puppies! 
This game of pretence will help them identify and differentiate a variety of colors and also increase their color vocabulary! 

1. To develop the cognitive skills of color recognition and eye- hand coordination. 
2. To develop and enhance task orientation and counting skills.

Days of the week

    Have you read the book "The Very hungry Caterpillar" by the famous author Eric Carle ?

If not please do check:


And here’s the link to hear from the author Eric Carle:




    Based on the story of "The very hungry caterpillar" we have made up a simple activity that can be done easily and through which the children will be able to learn the days of the week and counting numbers. Since they are missing the circle time activity which they usually have at play school, I have decided to create this simple yet engaging circle time activity at home.


Learning Objectives:

1. To learn the days of the week.

2. To enhance the counting skills

3. To indemnity the healthy foods and junk foods

4. To learn about the beautiful life cycle of a butterfly (egg, caterpillar, cocoon, butterfly)



    In our virtual class we began our day with the reading of the book "The Very Hungry Caterpillar". We then lead the kids through the counting of one apple, two pears, three plums, four straw berries, five oranges and ten junk foods (one chocolate cake, one ice-cream cone, one pickle, one slice of Swiss cheese, one slice of salami, one lollipop, one piece of cherry pie, one sausage, one cupcake, and one slice of watermelon)

Through a small illustration of a little boy eating Junk food on a Saturday and having a stomach ache that night, we gave an insight on healthy eating to the kids and also taught them to identify junk food and healthy food.

After the story reading we sang the ‘Days of the week’ from  

"Super Simple Song"








Our kids enjoyed singing along.


Finally we ended our day by doing the craft work.

Materials required:

1. Paper plates 8 nos. (If you don't have paper plate you can

cut chart paper in to circles)

2. White papers 5 nos.

3. Pencil to draw

4. Scissors

5. Glue

6. Cloths clip 7 nos.

7. Crayons / colour pencils / water colors.

    Our dear parents were so happy to do the activities with their kids and here are the lovely handworks of our kids along with a few videos.






Starting soon...... for a working patent

"Jordan Phonics & Fun Learning" is now available for an evening session from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm. 

Children aged 2 to 4 can participate with an adult's help. Exclusively for "work from home" parent.

Our Curriculum & sessions aim at synthetic phonics, multi-sensory, step-by-step and child-friendly learning with Life skills lessons & Scripture classes.

Phonics Fundamentals course helps the children to decode English alphabetic code though songs, actions and brilliantly structured alphabet art.

To know more visit our blog.

In the belly of the whale......

    One day God told Jonah, "Go to the city of Nineveh! Its people have done wrong. Tell them I will punish them."

But Jonah was very scared. He ran away.

    Jonah went to sea. He jumped on a ship that took him far away from Nineveh.

But God sent a great storm.

Waves splashed into the ship and the sailors were afraid.

But Jonah lay asleep below deck.

"wake up, Jonah!" called the captain. "Help us or we'll all drown!"

"It's my fault," said Jonah. I'm running away from God - that's why He sent this storm."

"Toss me into  the sea," Jonah told the sailors.

"Then the storm will stop."

The moment they threw Jonah into the water the storm stopped.

Down into the swirling water sank Jonah.

Then - gulp! Something swallowed him!

It was huge, huge fish!

Jonah was inside the fish for three days and nights. "Help me Lord!" he prayed.

At last the fish spat Jonah out on to a beach.

"Go to Nineveh!" God told Jonah again. Tell the people I'm going to punish them."

This time Jonah did as God said.

He went to Nineveh and warned the people "we're very sorry," they said. "we will change."


From Jonah's story we learnt that we should obey God and obey parents. If we have disobeyed them we should ask sorry for what we have done.

After the story we learnt a song .

Who Did (Swallow Jonah)


Who did, who did

Who did, who did

Who did swallow

Jo, Jo, Jo, Jo (3)

Who did swallow Jonah

Who did swallow Jonah

Who did swallow Jonah down?  

Whale did, whale did

Whale did, whale did

Whale did swallow

Jo, Jo, Jo, Jo (3)

Whale did swallow Jonah

Whale did swallow Jonah

Whale did swallow Jonah down


Then we moved on to the craft.

We made this fun puppet to illustrate the story of Jonah and the Whale. 

Reference picture to draw Jonah and fish.

Materials Required:

1. Clothes clip.

2. Chart Paper (Preferably blue or grey)

3. Scissors and glue

4. pencil and crayons

5. Googly eyes


1.    Cut out a whale shape from your blue or grey chart paper.

2.    Cut out a Jonah shape from your white chart paper and color him in.

3.    Cut your whale in half horizontally.

4.    Glue your googly eye on your whale (or draw the eye on with marker).

5.    Glue each half of the whale to the clothespin.  (Make sure that both halves line up.  Also make sure that you glue only the edge of each half-whale to one half of the clothespin.)

6.    Glue Jonah on the reverse side of the clothespin, so that he peeks out when you open the clothespin


 Now it looks like the whale is eating Jonah (Jonah in the belly of the whale).

Our kids enjoyed the fish they made.

Reference verse:

Now the Lord provided a huge fish to swallow Jonah, and Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights. Jonah 1:17

Memory verse:

Children obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right. Ephesians 6:1